Sunday, January 23, 2011

In Keeping The Promises I Made Myself

Notice: This is a repost from Crimson Phoenix Designs. I felt it not only belonged in my professional blog but also my personal one.

Out of the past three days, I have had the majority of two to myself. I used this time to try to renew my spirit as I have been quite high-strung and stressed lately. I got a lot accomplished but I can't help but think about all the things I did not yet get done. I'm going to try to make it my mission to focus on what was done, what was accomplished and what was good rather than the opposite.

This is my homage to happycat
It's not like I didn't get a lot done today while Mr. Gnome was out snowboarding with his big brother. In fact, I made myself a "feel good" list and on it is about 20 accomplishments for the day - including making a big pot of hamburger soup, scrubbing out my sink and renaming many of the files I had to recover on Friday when I had learned that my hard drive died while trying to completely reload my laptop (which was accomplished yesterday - bam!). Another of today's distractions was that of a fuzzy nature... happycat was SO attached today that each time I turned around - whoosh - there she was. Doing laundry, making dinner, scrubbing the sink, blow drying my hair, even (yikes) getting into the shower.

Tomorrow I get a girls' night. We work out and make dinner and all is right with the world. It really is true what they say: when you are in a stable, loving relationship your waistline tends to increase. Or maybe it's just the winter. Or my love of all things starchy, carb-filled and sweet. That and Mr Gnome eats all day. I kid you not. He eats seconds or thirds, and within a couple hours he's back to being hungry. I only wish I could eat like him... oh the feasts I would consume!

So, in keeping the promises I made myself, I am going to treat myself to a little mini-self-manicure while waiting for MrG to get home from his frosty trip.

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